
We advance state-of-the-art autonomous systems.

    MAC-VO: Metrics-aware Covariance for Learning-based Stereo Visual Odometry
    MAC-VO: Metrics-aware Covariance for Learning-based Stereo Visual Odometry

    We propose the MAC-VO, a novel learning-based stereo VO that leverages the learned metrics-aware ...

    Map It Anywhere: Empowering BEV Map Prediction using Large-scale Public Datasets
    Map It Anywhere: Empowering BEV Map Prediction using Large-scale Public Datasets

    Map It Anywhere (MIA), a data engine for Bird’s Eye View map prediction.

    SubT-MRS: Pushing SLAM Towards All-weather Environments
    SubT-MRS: Pushing SLAM Towards All-weather Environments

    Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is a fundamental task for numerous applications such...

    Super odometry: IMU-centric LiDAR-visual-inertial estimator for challenging environments
    Super odometry: IMU-centric LiDAR-visual-inertial estimator for challenging environments

    We propose Super Odometry, a high-precision multi-modal sensor fusion framework, providing a simp...

    AirIMU: Learning Uncertainty Propagation for Inertial Odometry
    AirIMU: Learning Uncertainty Propagation for Inertial Odometry

    AirIMU, a hybrid IO system designed for state estimation and uncertainty propagation.

    Multi-Robot Multi-Room Exploration with Geometric Cue Extraction and Circular Decomposition
    Multi-Robot Multi-Room Exploration with Geometric Cue Extraction and Circular Decomposition

    This work proposes an autonomous multi-robot exploration pipeline that coordinates the behaviors ...

    SplaTAM: Splat, Track & Map 3D Gaussians for Dense RGB-D SLAM
    SplaTAM: Splat, Track & Map 3D Gaussians for Dense RGB-D SLAM

    Precise camera tracking & high-fidelity reconstruction of challenging real-world scenarios.

    FoundLoc: Vision-based Onboard Aerial Localization in the Wild
    FoundLoc: Vision-based Onboard Aerial Localization in the Wild

    GPS-denied localization with no initial assumption of position (kidnapped robot problem).

    Shared Airspace
    Shared Airspace

    An autonomy system that keeps UAVs and manned traffic safely separated and behave as expected in ...


    What is the DARPA Triage Challenge?As stated on the DARPA Triage page: The DARPA Triage Challeng...

    Time-Optimal Path Planning in a Constant Wind for Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles using Dubins Set Classification
    Time-Optimal Path Planning in a Constant Wind for Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles using Dubins Set Classification

    We present a method to quickly find the time-optimal, curvature-constrained path between two stat...

    Image Sharing
    Image Sharing

    The image sharing library allows a user to transfer images between processes on an Nvidia Jetson ...

    Geometry-Informed Distance Candidate Selection for Omnidirectional Stereo Vision

    This is the project page of the ICRA submission, “Geometry-Informed Distance Candidate Se...

    Off-road driving by learning from interaction and demonstration

    Off-road driving is an important robotics task with applications in agriculture, mining, explorat...

    AnyLoc: Towards Universal Place Recognition
    AnyLoc: Towards Universal Place Recognition

    Retrieving the location of an image taken anywhere, anytime and under anyview.

    Autonomous UAV-based Multi-Model High-Resolution Reconstruction for Aging Bridge Inspection (new)
    Autonomous UAV-based Multi-Model High-Resolution Reconstruction for Aging Bridge Inspection (new)

    During a 4-year research collaboration with an international corporation in civil engineering (Sh...

    Wildland Fire Safety Monitoring
    Wildland Fire Safety Monitoring

    The dangers of wildfire continues to grow due to climate change. Mere minutes can turn a previous...

    How do you train AI Pilots?
    How do you train AI Pilots?

    We need more pilots. AI can help! Advanced Aerial Mobility (AAM) is an inclusive term that covers...

    Design, Modeling and Control for a Tilt-rotor VTOL UAV in the Presence of Actuator Failure

    Enabling vertical take-off and landing while providing the ability to fly long ranges opens the d...

    SubT UAV Code Release
    SubT UAV Code Release

    This is the code accompanying the paper Resilient Multi-Sensor Exploration of Multifarious Enviro...

    TIGRIS: An Informed Sampling-based Algorithm for Informative Path Planning
    TIGRIS: An Informed Sampling-based Algorithm for Informative Path Planning

    Informative path planning is an important and challenging problem in robotics that remains to be ...

    AirObject: A Temporally Evolving Graph Embedding for Object Identification
    AirObject: A Temporally Evolving Graph Embedding for Object Identification

    Video Object Identification

    Air Series Articles Released

    Air Series is a collection of articles mentored by Chen Wang.

    3D Human Reconstruction with Collaborative Aerial Cameras

    Aerial vehicles are revolutionizing applications that require capturing the 3D structure of dynam...

    Lifelong Graph Learning
    Lifelong Graph Learning

    Graph neural networks (GNNs) are powerful models for many graph-structured tasks. Existing models...

    AirDOS: Dynamic SLAM benefits from Articulated Objects

    Dynamic Object-aware SLAM (DOS) exploitsobject-level information to enable robust motion estimati...

    AirCode: A Robust Object Encoding Method
    AirCode: A Robust Object Encoding Method

    Object encoding and identification is crucial for many robotic tasks such as autonomous explorati...

    AirLoop: Lifelong loop closure detection
    AirLoop: Lifelong loop closure detection

    After deployment to the wild, the robot may benefit if it can incrementally learn from the workin...

    XPlaneROS : ROS Wrapper for Autonomous Fixed Wing Applications
    XPlaneROS : ROS Wrapper for Autonomous Fixed Wing Applications

    Today, manned and unmanned vehicles are separated, limiting the utility and flexibility ofoperati...

    i3dLoc: Image-to-range Cross-domain Localization

    We present a method for localizing a single camera with respect to a point cloud map in indoor an...

    Unified line segment detection and line based 2D-3D registration/localization

    The 2D to 3D registration problem is to match a query image with a 3D model to establish the geom...

    Increasing Energy Productivity of First/Last Mile Goods Movement

    The objective of this Department of Energy funded project is to use empirical testing, life cycle...

    Fully-Actuated UAVs: Control, Analysis and Applications
    Fully-Actuated UAVs: Control, Analysis and Applications

    The introduction of fully-actuated multirotors has opened the door to new possibilities and more ...

    ORStereo: Occlusion-Aware Recurrent Stereo Matching for 4K-Resolution Images
    ORStereo: Occlusion-Aware Recurrent Stereo Matching for 4K-Resolution Images

    This is the project page of the IROS submission “ORStereo: Occlusion-Aware Recurrent Stereo Match...

    TartanVO: A Generalizable Learning-based VO
    TartanVO: A Generalizable Learning-based VO

    Visual odometry remains a challenging problem in real-world applications. Geometric-based methods...

    Autonomous UAV Landing on a Moving Vehicle and Real-Time Ellipse Detection
    Autonomous UAV Landing on a Moving Vehicle and Real-Time Ellipse Detection

    The autonomous landing of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) on moving platforms has been an active...

    Long-range Aircraft Detection and Tracking
    Long-range Aircraft Detection and Tracking

    The detect-and-avoid problem is the “holy grail” for small aircrafts and drones that need to fly ...

    Exploiting Physical Interactions to Increase the Understanding of Dynamics and Environment Properties for Enhanced Autonomy
    Exploiting Physical Interactions to Increase the Understanding of Dynamics and Environment Properties for Enhanced Autonomy

    The mobility of autonomous robots is still limited especially in real-world offroad terrain (as s...

    Real-time Fault Detection for Autonomous Aerial Vehicles
    Real-time Fault Detection for Autonomous Aerial Vehicles

    The recent increase in the use of aerial vehicles raises concerns about the safety and reliabilit...

    Unsupervised Online Learning for Visual Interestingness
    Unsupervised Online Learning for Visual Interestingness

    The problem of visual interestingness detection, which is crucial for many practical applications...

    Semantic & Dynamic SLAM
    Semantic & Dynamic SLAM

    We developed a method for real-time semantic understanding and 3D mapping in both static and dyna...

    MBZIRC 2020: Team Tartans
    MBZIRC 2020: Team Tartans

    The Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotics Competition seeks to exhibit the current state-of-th...

    Autonomous Aerial Cinematography

    Aerial cinematography is revolutionizing industries that require live and dynamic camera viewpoin...

    Autonomous UAV-based Multi-Model High-Resolution Reconstruction for Aging Bridge Inspection
    Autonomous UAV-based Multi-Model High-Resolution Reconstruction for Aging Bridge Inspection

    The conventional way of aging infrastructure (e.g. bridges and tunnels) inspection can be time-co...

    SubT  Challenge
    SubT Challenge

    What is the Subterranean (SubT) Challenge?As stated on the DARPA SubT page: The DARPA Subterrane...

    Smart Landing and Obstacle Avoidance
    Smart Landing and Obstacle Avoidance

    Below are various projects that allow a drone to fly and land safely in challenging environments.

    Open Source Planning Packages
    Open Source Planning Packages

    Over the years our lab our lab has created various open-source planning packages. This list is by...

    Real-time 3D Scene Layout from Images
    Real-time 3D Scene Layout from Images

    In this project, we study the problem of understanding the 3D scene layout from images and combin...